A letter from Nicole Seekamp

Dear Lightning sponsors and fans,
I hope that you have all been staying safe during this crazy time.
As you are my second family, I wanted you all to hear it from me first, and that is, that I will not be playing basketball this upcoming season. I have been playing basketball for 22/23 years straight, and as much as I love the game, I have found I have lost my drive for it. If you know me, you know I don’t like giving anything less than 100% and considering that basketball has been the love of my life for so long, it doesn’t feel right to go into a season not being completely committed, physically and mentally. I have crossed a lot off my basketball bucket list, and I am happy about what I have achieved and the player I have become. Physically, I could play for many more years, but mentally I could not. And I believe it is disrespectful to the game if I can’t give everything of myself, at this level.
I’d like to be able to tell you that I will be back the following season but I don’t know. I am currently living on a station in western NSW, with my new partner Ross. Yes, it is a complete change of lifestyle, but I am learning a lot of new things, and loving it. I think stepping away, will help me decide whether this break will be a short term on or a forever one. And either path I choose to take, I will be content with.
I hope you can all understand where I am coming from, and my decision. You have always supported me in basketball, and I hope that you can do the same now, away from basketball.
Thanks for being the best sponsors, fans, and lovers of the game.
Nicole Seekamp
A.K.A. Noodle