Adelaide Lightning Indigenous Jersey – GUBURDU

We are so grateful for the Adelaide Lightning to be wearing our design for the second time in 2023. The design is called Guburdu meaning Lightning in our Wirangu language. Lightning and Astronomy has played an important part of Aboriginal culture and life and continues to be just as important today for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across this land. Lightning is one of nature’s powerful forces that brings many things to country, particularly rain, which tell us the season we are in and what types or food or animals are around for eating and providing for our families and communities.
Many Aboriginal people are very connected to Lightning and some have the lightning as part of their totem. Lightning is very sacred and it’s important that we maintain this connection through our stories and art, and that we passed down that knowledge through to our young people when the time is right.
My daughter Hunter played a huge part in the design and concept and happens to be a keen basketballer who idolizes the Adelaide Lightning players and hopes to one day play WNBL.. We both hope the club, players, members and fans will like what we have created and we look forward to seeing the players wearing it for the first time.
Pauly and Hunter Vandenbergh