Flames Gold Clinic draws 90

July 17, 2018 | Sydney Flames news

90 aspiring young basketballers attended a ‘Gold Clinic’ hosted by the Brydens Sydney Uni Flames on Monday at Brydens Stadium, home of the Flames.

The free clinic gave kids aged eight and above the opportunity to learn from Flames, Britt Smart, Amanda ‘AJ’ Johnson, Alex Bunton, Shanae Greaves, Lara McSpadden, Sarah Graham and team captain, Belinda Snell.

Broken up into groups led by different players, participants practiced shooting on the move and off the dribble; their passing, dribbling, defense and rebounding.

Following an hour of skills and drills, crowd-favourite, Flicka made an appearance, taking to the court to show off her skills. Snell then facilitated some fun group shooting games, followed by question time, opening the floor to kids with any basketball-related questions for the players.

Brydens Sydney Uni Flames would like to thank all participants for attending the clinic and hope to see each of you in-season in October!

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